A message from the series “Love Is….” From James 3:13-18, Larry High explores the differences between wisdom which comes from God, and the “wisdom” which is “earthly, unspiritual, demonic.” (James 3:15) What kind of life are we living before the world? Are we pursuing the Truth? And are we growing as peacemakers?
Message: “Love Is… not self-seeking” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Love Is….” It is our natural inclination to be selfish. Pastor Phil shares from 1 Corinthians 13 the many ways that Agape love is not self-seeking, and encourages us that we need to show Agape love in the church, as well as in our other relationships.
Message: “Love Is… Empathetic” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Love Is….” Pastor Phil explains from 1 Corinthians chapter 12 that, as a church, we need to have empathy for one another–rejoicing with those who rejoice, and mourning with those who mourn (Romans 12:15)–and that empathy should move us to action.
Message: “Processing Grief and Finding Purpose” from Phil Severn
Pastor Phil shares about the comfort we have in Christ in the midst of grief and encourages us to consider: are we sure that when we die, we will go to heaven to be with Jesus? And are we leaving a legacy of service to Christ?
Message: “The Songs of Christmas: Simeon” from Larry High
A message from the series “The Songs of Christmas.” Larry High shares from scripture the humble, joyful response of Simeon to seeing Jesus Christ. We are encouraged to consider: do you know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord? What do your main passions in life consist of? What are you looking for? And do you long for heaven?
Message: “Beyond Christmas” from Bruce Kalish
A message from the series “The Songs of Christmas.” Bruce Kalish shares the story of the wise men, found in Mark Chapter 2. Through their story, we can observe five of the many ways that God reveals Himself: 1.) through creation, 2.) through our circumstances, 3.) through wise counsel, 4.) through scripture, and 5.) as He chose to do with these wise men–through dreams.
Message: “The Songs of Christmas: Zechariah” from John Nixon
A message from the series “The Songs of Christmas.” Pastor John Nixon shows how Zechariah is an example of someone who accepted the discipline of God and grew from it. We are also encouraged that Christmas is a celebration to remember God, and a celebration that God remembers us.
Message: “The Songs of Christmas: Mary” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Songs of Christmas.” Pastor Phil examines the story of when Mary was told that she would give birth to Jesus Christ. From Mary’s response to this news, we see her humility, obedience, reliance on scriptures, and her expectation of God’s continual faithfulness. These are things we should also seek to have in our lives as believers.
Message: “The Songs of Christmas: Elizabeth” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Songs of Christmas.” In Luke chapter 1, we read how Zechariah and Elizabeth were promised a child in their old age, and Mary was promised a child–Jesus Christ the Messiah–even though Mary was a virgin. Although Zechariah responds to this promise in doubt, Mary responds in faith. And when Mary visits Elizabeth, Elizabeth responds in humility and joy with a blessing.
From this passage, Pastor Phil encourages us to consider the importance of humility, the importance of believing in God’s promises, and the joy that we can have in remembering Jesus Christ, regardless of the sorrows or difficulties we may be experiencing at Christmas time.
Message: “The Power of Community to Impact OTHERS” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Align 2.0.” Pastor Phil uses the example of Matthew’s witness, as found in Matthew 9:9-13, to encourage us to share our faith. Specifically, our Life Groups can be a place where we can strategically invite people who need to know Christ into a community of believers–where people can see the love of Christ demonstrated. Finally, we are encouraged to consider who can be our “one”–that specific person who we can actively pray for and with whom we can take steps to share the gospel.
Message: “The Power of Community to Impact US” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Align 2.0.” Acts 2:41-47
Pastor John explores the Biblical model of church community found in Acts 2. As we proceed with Life Groups, meeting weekly, gathering strategically and serving together, we want God to work in us and to work through us.
Message: “The Power of Community” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Align 2.0.” Pastor John explores Mark 3:13-19 and John 13 to look at the model of discipleship found in Jesus’ ministry. As disciples, we should be spending time in the chair–reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. We should be spending time in the row–gathering together as a body of believers to worship and to hear from God’s word. And we should be spending time in the circle–living in community with fellow believers so that we might encourage one another towards a closer relationship with God.
Message: “Be Disciples Who Make Disciples for the Glory of God” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Align 2.0.” As we officially launch our Life Groups, Pastor Phil reminds us of our responsibility as believers and as a body of believers to be disciples who make disciples for the glory of God.
Message: “Open the Door (Laodicea)” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Revelation 3:14-22
The church in Laodicea thought themselves rich and self-sufficient. But in Christ’s letter to the church in Laodicea, He tells them that they are spiritually impoverished.
In today’s sermon, Pastor Phil asks us to consider: 1.) Is your pursuit of the American dream getting in the way of your pursuit of the kingdom of God? 2.) Have you pushed God out of your life? 3.) What would God’s assessment be of you?
Message: “Hold On! (Philadelphia)” from John Nixon
A message from the series “You\’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Pastor John Nixon examines the letter to the church in Philadelphia found in the book of Revelation; in this letter, Jesus encourages his followers, suffering persecution, to hold on–and that He has opened a door to them which no one can shut.
Message: “Calling the Dead to Life (Sardis)” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Pastor Phil examines the letter to the church in Sardis, and reminds us that God knows our real character. If you don’t know Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can place your faith and trust in Him. If you know the Lord, but you’ve slowly drifted away, you can go back to the basics: be watchful, stand firm, remember the scriptures, hold fast to them, and repent!
Message: “When Intolerance Is Wise (Thyatira)” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You\’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Pastor Phil examines the letter to the church in Thyatira, found in Revelation 2:18-29. We are reminded that 1.) we need to be aware of the seriousness of sexual immorality, 2.) true love is deeper than tolerance, and 3.) we need to be aware of the potential for imbalance in our lives and in our church as we strive both to uphold the truth, and to live with grace towards one another.
Message: “It’s a Big Deal (Pergamum)” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You\’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Revelation 2:12-17
Pastor Phil preaches on the letter to the church in Pergamum found in Revelation 2, and reminds us that we need to stand firm when tempted to conform to the world, that we need to avoid sexual immorality, that we need to avoid idolatry, and we need to treat sin in our church as serious.
Message: “True Riches (Smyrna)” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You\’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Revelation 2:8-11
Pastor Phil examines Christ’s letter to the church in Smyrna, and reminds us that God doesn’t promise to deliver us out of tough circumstances, that we need to be prepared for persecution, and that true riches are not temporary.
Message: “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “You\’ve Got Mail: Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.” Revelation 2:1-7
Pastor Phil examines Christ’s letter to the church in Ephesus, and challenges us to stand for truth, to hate sin, and to be sure that we are obedient to God’s greatest and second greatest commands: to love Him and to love others.