Message: “Significant Insignificance” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” Pastor John shares from Psalm 8 that God often accomplishes the significant by means of the insignificant. The God who created the entire universe chooses to use humanity–creatures formed from the dust–to accomplish His purposes, and He uses children to silence His enemies. In today’s message, we also learn how Psalm 8 looks ahead to Jesus.

Message: “Come and See (Psalm 66)” from Larry High

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” Larry High shares from Psalm 66, where we are called to come and worship God, to see Him, to praise Him and to hear Him. When we look at the ways God has delivered us, it should inspire us to share with others what God has done.

Message: “Purposeful Waiting” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” Psalm 130 opens, “Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord.” (NIV) When we are in the depths, whether in suffering or even in the depths resulting from our own sin, Psalm 130 provides a model for how we can respond. In today’s message, Pastor Phil reminds us of the certainty of God’s forgiveness, and encourages us to wait for the Lord.

Message: “How long must I wait?” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” What do we do when God seems to be silent? In today’s message, Pastor Phil examines Psalm 119, where we find an expression of longing for God to show up in a time of affliction. Our response, like the Psalmist’s, should be to continue in God’s word.

Message: “As Far as the East is from the West” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” In Psalm 103, we read a celebration of God’s forgiveness. In today’s message, Pastor Phil walks through 3 examples from the New Testament of people who were radically changed by God’s mercy, and reminds us of the boldness that we can have to approach the throne of grace in our time of need.

Message: “Taste and See” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” In Psalm 34, we are shown that God rescues and provides for those who look to Him. It today’s message, Pastor Phil explains that we are called to praise God at all times–for the good things He gives to us, and for the ways He shows up in our most difficult circumstances.

Message: “The Real Prosperity Gospel” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” (NIV) In today’s message, Pastor Phil looks at what it truly means to be blessed, even though God’s word does not promise the believer an easy life.

Message: “Why Spend the Summer in the Psalms?” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Summer in Psalms.” Pastor John Nixon introduces the Summer in Psalms series by taking a look at the big-picture structure of the Book of Psalms, and the impact that the Psalms can have for the individual believer. In these scriptural songs, we can find a model for expressing our hearts in our relationship with God.

Message: “The Intentional Man” from Phil Severn

On Father’s Day, Pastor Phil preaches on how a man can be intentional as a husband: seeking to understand his wife, showing honor, treating his wife as an equal and loving sacrificially as a servant leader. And with this foundation of love established in the family, men must also be intentional in sharing their faith with their children and grandchildren.

Message: “Weak Enough to Be Strong” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Cross Culture.” God hates pride, and He wants to protect us from it. In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, we see that Paul was given a thorn in the flesh, by God, to protect him from becoming conceited. In today’s message, Pastor John asks, what are we willing to allow God to do in our lives in order to protect us from pride? And we are reminded and encouraged, as Paul said, that God’s grace is sufficient, and that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Message: “The Paradox of Christianity” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Cross Culture.” Pastor Phil preaches on 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, and how our mission and joy in Christ compels us to respond to skepticism, hatred, and hard trials with peace, love and rejoicing.

Message: “A Life with Purpose” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Cross Culture.” In today’s message, Pastor Phil looks at 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, where we are reminded of the hardship we face, our hope in eternal life, and the call we have from God to live for Him.

Message: “The Conclusion” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Life is Meaningful.” The book of Ecclesiastes instructs us to enjoy our lives, and at the same time, to know that God will bring every deed into judgment. In today’s message, Pastor John explores both of these points–that we should live enthusiastically, and that we should live responsibly–knowing that in following God, we can have true freedom.

Message: “Meaningless?” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Life is Meaningful.” The first chapter of Ecclesiastes lays out in unflinching detail the futility of life’s pleasures and pursuits under the sun. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores the meaning of this chapter, and the hope offered for meaning in Jesus Christ.

Message: “Hope is best when it is shared” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Ressurecting Hope.” When we have good news, we tend to share it with others. But we often find that the greatest news–our hope in Jesus Christ–is the hardest for us to share, even though Scripture gives all believers a command to make disciples. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores practical ways for us to share the good news of the Gospel with the people around us.

Message: “Resurrecting Hope (Easter)” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Ressurecting Hope.” On Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ reminds us of the assurance of the promises of God. Pastor Phil examines the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection through the eyes of his disciples and how their story mirrors ours: in difficult times, we too can lose sight of the things we know, and we need to be reminded of the promises of God to those who believe in Him. And if you don’t know Jesus, the truth of Jesus’ resurrection calls you to place your hope and trust in Him.

Message: “Resurrecting Hope” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Ressurecting Hope.” How can we have hope? By remembering always that our Savior Jesus Christ willingly stood in our place. In today’s message, Pastor John examines the wrongful conviction of Jesus at the hands of high priest and religious leaders, and then before Pilate–and how Jesus’ willing sacrifice provides hope for us.