A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” In today’s message, Dr. Rich Freeman shows how the traditions of the Passover looked ahead to the sacrifice of Jesus the Messiah.
Message: “God is Greater” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” If God gave you a sign, would you believe? In Exodus 7-10, there is a showdown between Pharaoh and Yahweh. Through the 10 plagues, God clearly demonstrated that he is more powerful than Pharaoh or any of the gods of Egypt, but it wasn’t enough to cause Pharaoh or the nation of Egypt to repent and trust in Yahweh. God has already shown who He is through His Word, creation, and history, but do you still expect a sign? And would a sign really change your mind?
Message: “When hardships cause doubt” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” Where do you turn when life is hard? Maybe a better question is where can you turn when life is hard? In Exodus 5-7, the Israelites doubted God when their hardships increased, but in the midst of their doubt, God promised that he was going to redeem them and bring them out of Egypt. God has promised us redemption as well. The question is, are we willing to trust Him when we can’t clearly see it.
Message: “But I don’t want to…” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” In Exodus 3-4, we will see Moses unsuccessfully trying to get out of doing the Lord’s will while God is patiently revealing his plan to free the nation of Israel and revealing his character. As we reflect on their interaction, it is important to realize we should seek to obey God without any qualifications or caveats.
Message: “When life isn’t what you want” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Exodus: God\’s Deliverance.” In Exodus 1-2 everything seems to be going wrong for the Israelites. And yet in the midst of it, God is sovereignly protecting and preparing the nation for their deliverance.
Message: “Tongues that Fear” from Larry High
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (NKJV). In today’s message, Larry High explores what the Bible has to say about our speech, and reminds us that when a moment of testing comes in today’s society, holding to the righteous fear of God, we need to speak the truth in love.
Message: “The Eyes of the Wise” from Andy Doane
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” In today’s message, Andy Doane studies the Book of Proverbs for its references to the eyes, and lays out 4 main lessons from the scriptures: 1.) That we are not to be wise in our own eyes, 2.) that we should not be selfishly living for ourselves–having haughty eyes, 3.) that we are supposed to keep our eyes on the goal, our walk with God, and 4.) that God’s eyes are everywhere, seeing everything that everyone ever does.
Message: “Diligent Hands” from Larry High
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” The Book of Proverbs instructs us to work diligently, and it offers many warnings about the consequences of laziness. In today’s message, Larry High offers insight from Scripture on the value of dedicated work and on the proper place for rest in our lives, as God ordains it. We are also reminded that all the work we apply ourselves towards is to be for God, and that it is from God’s hand that we receive our wages.
Message: “Calm for My Anxious Heart” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” Proverbs 12:25 tells us that “anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” (ESV) In today’s message, Pastor John shows from scripture that we are commanded, plainly, not to worry. Since that is a command, it is a choice we can make and a choice that we need to make. But how can we choose not to worry? Scripture encourages us to pray, and to be grateful. And how do we help others who are worried? With an encouraging word.
Message: “Listen to Your Father” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our heart above all else. In today’s message, Pastor John reminds us that the most important thing is how our inner being–our heart, mind and soul–how our inner being is doing in relation to God. We need a heart changed by God, with God as our Father. We need to trust Him and seek to do His will in everything that we do.
Message: “A Heartfelt Message from a Veteran Servant to His Cherished Flock” from Ken Floyd
Reading from the apostle John’s second letter, Pastor Ken Floyd reminds us to strive for two foundational aspects to our life as a church: to show the love of God, and to stand firm on God’s truth.
Message: “Do You Hear Me?” from Larry High
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” In today’s message, Larry High shares from the book of Proverbs many of the reasons why we are so often commanded to listen to godly wisdom.
Message: “The Attractiveness of Wisdom” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” God’s word instructs us to get wisdom at any cost! In today’s message, Pastor John explores why we should pursue wisdom as an ultimate priority, and how we can pursue it.
Message: “Choose Your Path” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” Proverbs 4:26-27 says to “Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” In today’s Student Celebration message, Pastor John shares from Proverbs 29 how our fear of other people can cause us to turn away from the path of righteousness. Instead, we should always look for the approval of God.
Message: “Listen to Your Mother” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Anatomy of Wisdom: Ancient Truth for Modern Living.” The book of Proverbs gives us keen insights for godly living, often summed up in short, memorable phrases. Throughout the summer, North Park will be exploring the book of Proverbs through the lens of many of its metaphors: the head, the feet, and so on. In today’s message, Pastor John gives us an overview of the whole book, and then focuses on the record of the wisdom imparted to King Lemuel by his mother, as found in Chapter 31.
Message: “Nothing Can Separate Us” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Identity: A Series in Romans 8.” God promises in Romans chapter 8 that not even death can separate us from His love. Because that is true, the love of God must be incredible! In today’s message, Pastor Phil encourages us that God’s love is greater than we can comprehend–and for those of us who know Jesus Christ, that love can never be ended or taken away. Our salvation is secure in Christ.
Message: “More than Conquerors” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Identity: A Series in Romans 8.” What does it mean to be more than a conqueror? In Christ, our victory is already accomplished. In today’s message, Pastor Phil studies the promises of Romans 8:31-34. There is no condemnation for those in Christ, and if God is for us, no one can be against us.
Message: “All Things for Good?” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Identity: A Series in Romans 8.” In Romans 8:28, the Bible promises us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores the comfort provided by this promise.
Message: “The Road to Redemption” from Bruce Kalish
A message from the series “Identity: A Series in Romans 8.” Because of sin, all of creation suffers in futility. In today’s message, Bruce Kalish studies Romans 8 and shows us how the world is subject to futility, and that our only hope in the face of futility is God, through faith in Christ. So, we can recognize the pain of this world, and grieve in the midst of that pain. Yet, because of our hope in God, we can and should live in expectation of God’s coming kingdom.
Message: “The Gift of Adoption” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Identity: A Series in Romans 8.” On Easter Sunday, we remember that Christ has risen and conquered death. In today’s sermon, Pastor Phil shows from Romans 8 the blessings of being loved, chosen and adopted by God. The cross shows that God loved us even while we were sinners (Romans 5:8). The resurrection of Christ shows that Jesus has overcome the world, and that even as we know we will suffer in this world, we can take heart (John 16:33). And having been adopted into God’s family, we have received the Spirit of adoption, so that we are no longer slaves to fear, but we can cry out, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15)