A message from the series “At Just the Right Time.” In 1 Thessalonians 4, we read the encouraging promise that one day, Jesus will return, and all who have fallen asleep in Christ will live again. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores the promises of Christ’s return, and reminds us that we should live with a sense of expectation.
Message: “At just the right time, Jesus died” from Larry High
A message from the series “At Just the Right Time.” In today’s message, Larry High reminds us of the gospel truth that once we were enemies of God in our sin, but that Jesus died to reconcile us to God, and through faith in Him, we have eternal life. And we may have assurance of our salvation, because that salvation is dependent on the person who has atoned for our sins, Jesus Christ.
Message: “At just the right time, Jesus was born” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “At Just the Right Time.” Jesus’ birth was at just the right time theologically, religiously, culturally, politically. In today’s message, Pastor Phil reminds us that God’s timing is best–and that when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son.
Message: “The Blank Page” from John Nixon
A message from the series “At Just the Right Time.” After the book of Malachi, there are 400 years where the nation of Israel does not hear from God. But at just the right time, Jesus the Messiah was born in Bethlehem. In today’s message, Pastor John explores the time period leading up to the advent of Jesus.
Message: “The Sun Will Rise” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” The Israelites were crying out that God was allowing injustice to go unpunished. God promised he would come with righteousness. As we wrap up the series, we revisited the theme, Return to Me. God invites the Israelites to return to him and restore their relationship.
Message: “A Scroll of Remembrance” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In Malachi 3:13-18, God confronts Israel over their attitude of reciprocity. They were disobedient and yet they expected God to bless them and destroy the nations. Thankfully, in the midst of the nation, there was a faithful remnant, God’s treasured possession which he promised to save. God’s response to the faithful and the unfaithful should cause us to examine our hearts and evaluate how we view God and how we respond to him.
Message: “God Cares About Your Money” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In the book of Malachi, God tells the nation of Israel that they are robbing Him by withholding their tithes and offerings. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores what the Bible has to say about our finances, and shows us how giving is an act of obedience which reveals the condition of our heart, and which brings spiritual blessing.
Message: “Be Careful What You Ask For” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In the book of Malachi, we can see that the people of Israel were questioning God’s justice. God’s answer is that He will bring justice–“But who can endure the day of his coming?” (Malachi 3:2) There is a going to be a day of judgement for everyone. In today’s message, Pastor John encourages us each to ask the question, am I ready for that day?
Message: “You Gave Love a Bad Name” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In Malachi 2, God confronts the men of Israel for their sin of unfaithfulness towards their wives. God is a witness in the marriage covenant between husband and wife, and he demands that husbands protect and love their wives for life. But for any broken relationship, God offers forgiveness and healing in Jesus Christ.
Message: “Don’t bring God your leftovers” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In Malachi 1:6-2:9, God confronts Israel over their sacrifices. Instead of bringing their best animals, they brought lame and diseased animals. Instead of giving God their best, they gave him their leftovers. Which leads us to ask the question, are we giving God our leftovers?
Message: “Do You Love Me?” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Return to Me: A Series on Malachi.” In Malachi 1:1-5, God declares his love for the nation of Israel as seen through his election of the nation. His sovereign choice and love brings us encouragement in the midst of difficult life situations.
Message: “The Kingdom Is a Treasure” from Andy Doane
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” In Matthew 13, we read how Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to treasure buried in field, or to a pearl of great price, for which men are willing to sell everything they own. In today’s message, Andy Doane teaches how these parables show that following Jesus will cost us everything–and that the kingdom of heaven is a treasure beyond compare.
Message: “Big Questions About Hell” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” Matthew 13 provides us with a clear warning that hell is the punishment for sin. In today’s message, Pastor Phil examines scriptural teaching on this topic, answering common questions, and reminding us that the reality of hell should move us either to respond in sharing the gospel with those who do not know Christ, or otherwise–for those who do not yet believe–to trust in Jesus as Savior.
Message: “Speak Truth to Yourself” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” Psalm 42 gives us a model for trusting God when life is difficult and Satan tries to make us despair. Our response is to remember the truths found in scripture, and the goodness of God.
Message: “Parable of the Mustard Seed” from John Nixon
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” Looking at the parable of the mustard seed, we want to understand the setting in which Jesus was telling his audience this parable, and then examine the story, itself, and its significance. From the parable of the mustard seed we can learn a message which gives us hope for the future: that the kingdom of heaven, although it may begin in small stages, can never be stopped.
Message: “Parable of the Wheat and Tares” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” We all want justice to some extent, but the question is, do we trust that God is a just judge? In this parable, Jesus says he will return to separate the wheat from the tares, the wheat to everlasting joy, and the tares to eternal punishment. Today is the day to give your life to Jesus and experience his salvation!
Message: “The Parable of the Soils” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” Are you bearing fruit? Are you spreading seeds? In today’s sermon, Pastor Phil asks us to examine our lives, and think about how we can bear fruit and spread the seeds of the Gospel message.
Message: “The Purpose of Parables” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like: Parables in Matthew 13.” What is the purpose of parables? Are they just good stories to help us be better people, or is Jesus doing something different in his use of parables? In Matthew 13:10-17, Jesus will share why he speaks in parables and his answer might surprise you.
Message: “Singing Isn’t for Everyone” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” After Israel’s deliverance from Egypt through the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, Moses and the people of Israel join together in praising God in song. In today’s message, Pastor John examines the words of their songs, which help us to understand what God has done, Who God is and what God will do. We are encouraged that if we know God, we have reason to sing, too.
Message: “When there is no way out” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Exodus: God’s Deliverance.” The Israelites found themselves trapped with nowhere to go, but it was all part of God’s plan. God miraculously demonstrated his power and sovereignty over the Egyptian gods, Pharaoh, and even the sea. Just like the Israelites, we need to be saved and only God can provide the way of salvation.