A message from the series “Ephesians: A Life Worth Living.” In Ephesians 4:11-16, we are given a picture of how God has equipped his servants with various gifts to build up the church so that we would all become mature followers of Jesus. In today’s message, Jarrod Swartz preaches on this passage to help our graduating seniors (and all of us) consider the role we play in church, and the way that our brothers and sisters in Christ have supported us, as we all grow to maturity.
Message: “A Life Worth Living” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Ephesians: A Life Worth Living.” In the first 3 chapters of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul reminds us of who we are as the church. In chapters 4-6, Paul will explain how we ought to live as followers of Christ. In today’s message, Pastor Phil preaches on Ephesians 4:1-6, and how we should live in humility, patience, gentleness, long-suffering and unity.
Message: “Knowing Christ’s Love” from Caleb Bryant
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” In today’s message, Caleb Bryant studies Ephesians 3:14-21, and encourages us that as we consider the boundless love of Christ, we should act according to that love–and that to know the love of Christ, we need to study the scriptures.
Message: “Mystery Revealed” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” Ephesians 3 tells us that through the gospel, God uses the church to reveal a mystery which has been kept hidden from the beginning of time. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores this “cosmic sermon,” and reminds us that God can work through our hardships, that we need to live on mission, and that we should have a proper view of the significance of the church.
Message: “Brought Near” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” Ephesians 2:13 says “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (NIV) During the times that Paul lived in, there was a great societal divide between the Gentiles and the Jews. But in Christ, Jew and Gentile believers have been brought together as one church. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores how God is our peace, how we have been brought near to God, and that as believers, we have been joined together.
Message: “Grave Robber: the One who gives life to dead people” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” In Ephesians 2, Paul explains that we were dead in our transgressions, but that we have been made alive with Christ, and that we have been seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. In today’s message, Pastor John explains some common responses to the message of the gospel, and shows us from Ephesians 2:1-10 that our sin is a deadly problem, that there is hope in Christ, and that all the glory goes to Him.
Message: “To Know Him More” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” In Ephesians, Chapter 1, Paul says that having heard of the love and faith of the church, he prays that they might be enabled to know God better–to know “the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” (18-19 NIV) In today’s message, we are reminded and encouraged that, having come to know God, we should always want and seek to know God even more.
Message: “To the Praise of His Glory” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” After his first greeting in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul opens with praise for God, summarizing a wide variety of theological truths in the course of one sweeping sentence. From this section of his epistle, we are reminded of God’s glory, sovereignty, grace and gift of salvation.
Message: “Introducing the Letter” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Ephesians: Mystery Revealed.” In the beginning of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul makes an address to the church which reminds us of who Paul is in Christ, and who his readers are as believers. As we begin our study of the book of Ephesians, we are reminded of the relationship between Paul and his readers, and we take an introductory look at the ideas Paul communicates in his letter. Like Paul, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ, and we are reminded that our conduct should match the weight of our calling.
Message: “Living Hope” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Dual Citizens.” On Easter morning, we remember that Jesus rose from the grave and has conquered sin and death. Through the resurrection of Jesus, we read in 1 Peter 1:3-5 that we have an inheritance kept for us in heaven which does not spoil or fade. That promise is a source of hope, because we are looking forward to that inheritance. And at the same time, we also have life abundantly in Christ today, because, through faith in God, we are shielded by God’s power. (1 Peter 1:5)
Message: “Living as Dual Citizens” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Dual Citizens.” Who we are should affect what we do, and how we do it. In 1 Peter 2, we are commanded to fear God, to love others, and honor “the emperor.” Although our government looks different now, we are called to respect those who are in authority, and to respect those around us. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explores the idea that, as Christians, there are things which we must do (those commands described in 1 Peter 2:13-17), and things which we may do.
Message: “Dual Citizens” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Dual Citizens.” Who we are should affect what we do. In 1 Peter 2, we read that, as believers, we are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.” That “once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” As those who have been shown mercy, we should live to glorify God in all that we do. And this includes how we engage with society–our neighbors and our government.
Message: “And Those Scattered Preached the Word” from Don Parsons
Don Parsons examines the book of Hebrews to speak about faith which moves us to action–and he shares with North Park how believers from Ukraine have been used by God to preach the gospel, even as refugees. We are encouraged to fix our eyes on Jesus, setting the right priorities, depending completely on God, and having bold faith and perseverance.
Message: “Abiding with Christ” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Lord\’s Prayer.” In John 15, Jesus tells His disciples to abide in Him. This instruction comes with the promises that if we abide in Christ, then like a branch on a vine, we will bear much fruit, and we will be pruned so that we can bear even more. As we conclude our sermon series on the Lord’s prayer, we are encouraged to use the Lord’s prayer not as a ritual, but as a means of spending time with God.
Message: “How to Pray… Pray for Protection” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Lord’s Prayer.” When Jesus’ disciples asked Him how they should pray, He taught them with a model prayer. In this prayer, Jesus said that we should pray, “and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:13) In today’s message, Pastor Phil teaches about the kinds of temptations we will often face and how to resist in the time of temptation. And when we recognize that we have failed and given into temptation, we have confidence in Jesus Christ that we can come immediately before the throne of grace and ask forgiveness.
Message: “How to Pray… Praying for Pardon” from John Nixon
A message from the series “The Lord’s Prayer.” Jesus instructed us to pray our heavenly Father would forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. In today’s message, Pastor John explores 5 major questions about forgiveness. We forgive because we have been forgiven.
Message: “How to Pray… Pray for Provision” from John Nixon
A message from the series “The Lord\’s Prayer.” Jesus taught us to pray to the Father for our daily bread. In this prayer, we can see that we are dependent on God for all that we need–and that we can be content with having just enough to meet our needs. In today’s message, Pastor John teaches that when we pray, we are meant to surrender our desires and to trust God.
Message: “How to Pray… Pray the Father’s Will” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Lord\’s Prayer.” Jesus instructed us in our prayers to ask that God’s kingdom would come and His will would be done. In today’s message, Pastor Phil examines the meanings of God’s kingdom–His sovereign rule over all things, His Lordship over the lives of believers, and the promised physical kingdom that God will establish on earth; the meanings of God’s will, both of decree and desire; and the ways we can live in accordance with these prayers.
Message: “Family Talk” from John Nixon
A message from the series “The Lord’s Prayer.” When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, He began with the words, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.” From this beginning, we can learn about our relationship with God. In today’s message, Pastor John teaches that these words remind us how we are part of God’s family, that we are invited to an intimate relationship with God, that our God is sovereign King, and that remembering Who God is changes our priorities in prayer.
Message: “How to Pray: Have a Plan” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Lord\’s Prayer.” When Jesus instructed the disciples on how to pray, He not only gave them a model prayer, but also instructed them in the way that they should pray. In today’s message, Pastor Phil explore Jesus’ instructions, and encourages us to pray with the right motives, to pray in a way that brings your focus and attention to the Lord, and to pray with God in mind.