A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series).” Pastor Phil examines the historical fulfillment of prophesies found in Daniel 2 and 7, in the 400 years between the book of Micah, and the advent of Christ. When God appears to be silent, what might He be preparing you for? And what might He be preparing for you?
Message: “I Would Like to Report a Robbery” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor John explores Malachi 3:6-12, and encourages us to be rich towards God.
Message: “What Is Your History? [Easter Sunday]” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil examines Israel’s history of redemption as found in Nehemiah 9, and encourages us to ask, what is our story of God’s work in our lives?
Message: “Nehemiah’s Prayer” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Nehemiah 1
Pastor Phil explains how Nehemiah responded to the poor state of Jerusalem by pausing to mourn, taking time to pray, and then taking action. So too, we should respond to the works God puts in our hearts by taking the time to pray and then taking action. We can also learn from Nehemiah that we should study the Word, memorize the Word, learn the Word, pray the Word and live the Word.
Message: “Study. Do. Teach.” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Ezra 7:1-10
Pastor Phil examines the life of Ezra, and shows that we can learn from his example that we should study God’s word, do, and teach.
Message: “Follow Me” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series).” Pastor Phil looks at the responses of the prophets Jonah, Isaiah, Ezekiel Jeremiah to God’s calling and asks–what will your response be when God calls you to do something hard?
Message: “A Life of Prayer” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Daniel 1-9. Pastor Phil looks at what Daniel’s life can teach us about prayer.
Message: “Pay it Forward” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor John reviews Jeremiah 29, and explains that God’s will is that we should live our lives–and make decisions about our lives–in accordance with Biblical wisdom.
Message: “Here I am Send Me” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil explores Isaiah 6, and how it shows that God’s holiness leads to our wholeness. Whatever God asks of us, are we ready to say yes?
Message: “You Can’t Run from God” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Jonah 1-4
Pastor Phil looks at the book of Jonah, and encourages us to examine our own lives: are there areas in which we are running from God?
Message: “Simple Actions of Faith” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” 2 Kings 5
Pastor Phil examines how God works in the story of Naaman, and explains that God requires humility, and that God often requires simple actions of faith.
Message: “Too Many Wives” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil examines the account of Solomon’s idolatry in 1 Kings 11, and encourages that we can and should always confess our sins to God.
Message: “If You Could Ask God for One Thing…” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil encourages us that we can ask God for wisdom, and explains that prayer is a chance for us to align our will with God’s.
Message: “How to Be Happy” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor John examines Psalm 1, explains that we need to be learning God’s Word if we wish to be happy, and offers strategies for spending time in the scriptures.
Message: “Dancing in the Streets” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil describes how David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, and explains how it is our heart that matters in our worship to God, rather than our posture in worship.
Message: “The Giant and Goliath: An Unexpected Champion” from John Nixon
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor John examines the story of David, and explains how Jesus stands in our place and fights for us.
Message: “God Unchanging: Obeying When Obedience is Hard to Do” from Larry High
A message from the series “Kings and Kingdoms (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Larry High studies the account of Saul’s disobedience in 1 Samuel 15, and speaks on God’s sovereignty, God’s call for our obedience, and the comfort we can have in God’s unchanging nature.
Message: “A Redeemer Is Born!” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Journey (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil shares how the story of Ruth and Boaz points forward to Jesus our Redeemer. (Ruth 1-4)
Message: “Why Christmas Rituals Matter” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Journey (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil shares why it is important to pass on our faith and how Christmas is a great time to do that (Judges 2:10-15)
Message: “Grace that is Greater” from Phil Severn
A message from the series “The Journey (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Joshua 2
The Journey (Foundations Series)
Pastor Phil shares the story of Rahab, and how it demonstrates that God’s grace is greater than our sin, and that God can use anyone who believes in Him and gives their life to Him.