Message: “Unveiled” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil shares from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 about the surpassing glory of knowing Christ. If we know Christ, then the veil is removed from our hearts, and we have freedom to live life according to His will.

Message: “A Way Out” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil reminds us of the promises found in 1 Corinthians 10:13, which we can rely on in the face of temptation.

Message: “Addition Isn’t Required” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil looks at a significant moment in the history of the church (Acts 15), and reminds us that salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus.

Message: “The Choice Is Yours” from Justin Yob

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Justin Yob examines James 3:13-18, and encourages us to choose godly wisdom over earthly wisdom.

Message: “The Church Is Born!” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil examines the beginning of the church described in Acts 2, and encourages us to be committed, like the early church, to Biblical teaching, to self-giving fellowship, to communion, and to devoted prayer.

Message: “Remember His Words” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Gospel in Motion (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Luke 24; Acts 1
Pastor Phil walks through the accounts in Luke 24 and Acts 1 of the time in Jesus’ ministry after his resurrection, and reminds us of two ideas:
–When distractions and difficulties comes, we need to remember God’s Word.
–If we want to accomplish anything meaningful, we need the power of the Holy Spirit.

Message: “That They All May Be One” from Larry High

A message from the series “The Wait Is Over (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” John 17
Larry High examines Jesus’ prayer that we would be unified as a body of believers. We are encouraged to ask: do you believe in Jesus and know Him? Do you love the saints–in your own local church? And are you walking in fellowship with believers?

Message: “I’d Like to Report a Robbery, Too” from John Nixon

A message from the series “The Wait Is Over (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Matthew 21:12-17
John Nixon examines the account of Jesus’ clearing out the temple. We are reminded that a relationship with God is not a right given to a few who think they deserve it. Rather it is a gift given to anyone willing to receive it.

Message: “Let the Children Come” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Wait Is Over (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” Mark 10:13-16
Pastor Phil explores: what does it mean to accept the Kingdom of God as a little child?

Message: “A Curious Pharisee” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “The Wait Is Over (Foundations: A Year Through the Bible).” John 3:1-21
Pastor Phil walks through the account of Nicodemus’ conversation with Jesus. Jesus offers salvation to all who will believe in Him, “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Message: “What do you do when God is Silent?” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series).” Pastor Phil examines the historical fulfillment of prophesies found in Daniel 2 and 7, in the 400 years between the book of Micah, and the advent of Christ. When God appears to be silent, what might He be preparing you for? And what might He be preparing for you?

Message: “What Is Your History? [Easter Sunday]” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil examines Israel’s history of redemption as found in Nehemiah 9, and encourages us to ask, what is our story of God’s work in our lives?

Message: “Nehemiah’s Prayer” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Nehemiah 1
Pastor Phil explains how Nehemiah responded to the poor state of Jerusalem by pausing to mourn, taking time to pray, and then taking action. So too, we should respond to the works God puts in our hearts by taking the time to pray and then taking action. We can also learn from Nehemiah that we should study the Word, memorize the Word, learn the Word, pray the Word and live the Word.

Message: “Study. Do. Teach.” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Ezra 7:1-10
Pastor Phil examines the life of Ezra, and shows that we can learn from his example that we should study God’s word, do, and teach.

Message: “Follow Me” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series).” Pastor Phil looks at the responses of the prophets Jonah, Isaiah, Ezekiel Jeremiah to God’s calling and asks–what will your response be when God calls you to do something hard?

Message: “A Life of Prayer” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Daniel 1-9. Pastor Phil looks at what Daniel’s life can teach us about prayer.

Message: “Pay it Forward” from John Nixon

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor John reviews Jeremiah 29, and explains that God’s will is that we should live our lives–and make decisions about our lives–in accordance with Biblical wisdom.

Message: “Here I am Send Me” from Phil Severn

A message from the series “Prepare the Way (Foundations Series: A Year Through the Bible).” Pastor Phil explores Isaiah 6, and how it shows that God’s holiness leads to our wholeness. Whatever God asks of us, are we ready to say yes?