Jeff and Deb Minniear

Jeff and Deb Minniear

Jeff and Deb Minniear

Annual Support $5,520

We are church planters, currently in Bowie, MD serving with Continental Baptist Missions.

Who is on your team? We are stateside Church planters working in Bowie, MD. We hope to have Mark and Jennifer Tylavsky work with us. They are raising support and are at 15% right now. They hope to have 50% by next summer so they can move out and start helping. This May, our second daughter’s husband will graduate from seminary and he wants to move to Bowie to help us.

Where have you seen God working in your ministry?
At this time, we’re desperately trying to get the house livable so we can pursue neighborhood Bible studies out of our home. God has blessed in a number of positive contacts that we hope to turn into Bible study attendees.